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Prepare for life’s uncertainties with a trusted LPA who will care for you and respect your wishes should you ever lose capacity.

People on bench

What is an LPA?

It can be upsetting to think there might come a time when you’re unable to care for yourself. But as people are living longer, the reality of one day needing someone to act on your behalf and make decisions for you is an important one to consider.  

Who do you trust to tend to your finances, arrange your healthcare, and nurture your wellbeing if you lose capacity? That person is your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and appointing an LPA now ensures your best interests are taken care of, no matter what storms come to pass.  

Kingswood Partnership

Why do I need an LPA? 

With each changing season come new challenges; no one knows what the future holds. Whether through illness or injury, there may come a time when you are unable to take care of your finances or personal welfare. 

There’s no guaranteed way to safeguard yourself from a life-changing accident or illness. With an LPA in place, you can be assured a person of your choosing whom you trust will be there to protect your finances and care for your wellbeing.  

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Who can be an Attorney? 

The role of an Attorney is a complex and personal one. It calls for someone who is practically minded and can competently carry out everyday tasks such as managing your bills and medical appointments.

But it also requires a good deal of intimacy, patience, and understanding. Someone who is sympathetic to your likes and dislikes and will listen to and respect your wishes, whatever they may be.

Given the choice, who do you trust to step into your shoes and make decisions on your behalf?

Your Attorney can be anyone over the age of 18 – a family member, friend, or professional.

The important thing is your faith in their ability to fulfil the role and prioritise your wishes and wellbeing above all else in all matters of health, welfare, and finance.

What Happens if I Don’t Have an LPA in Place?

If there comes a time when you lose capacity and you haven’t appointed an Attorney to look after you and your finances, responsibility for making decisions on your behalf can fall to the Court of Protection. 

This can be both costly and upsetting for you and your family members. It may also mean decisions are made about your finances and health care by complete strangers that do not reflect your wishes. 

To ensure you maintain a firm hold over how your money and personal care are managed, an LPA is an essential part of your bespoke planning. We’ll help you get the right LPA documents in place for total peace of mind. 

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Based in the cultural and historic city of Leicester, Kingswood Head Office is the working base for your team of expert personal planners.

With over 15 years’ experience in will writing and estates, we provide professional advice and compassionate support to clients across the country. 

To speak with one of our experts simply fill in this contact form and we’ll be in touch.