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Trusts are an indispensable tool for cultivating an estate plan that meets your needs and those of your loved ones, now and long into the future.

Used for thousands of years to keep money within the bloodline, Trusts were first created by Knights of the Realm, who entrusted their lands to worthy individuals before departing England for the Crusades. 

Now, Trusts are a flexible means of ringfencing certain assets, forming a separate branch from your main estate that’s strong and secure, protected from financial turmoil and taxed differently.

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Assets placed in trust are preserved for use by the beneficiaries in line with your wishes and at the discretion of the Trustees. Like expert gardeners, these are people chosen by you to manage the Trust, so your loved ones can enjoy its fruits without the burden of watering the tree from which they came. 

What are Trusts Used For?

Using Trusts in your estate planning is like mastering the art of topiary; they allow you to trim and tailor your estate plan to fit precisely around your needs and your beneficiaries.

Trusts allow you to not only specify who you wish to inherit, but also how and when, giving you greater control over a future that is as yet unforeseen.  

Beneficiaries who are too young to inherit; are vulnerable or have limited capacity can still benefit from the legacy you wish to leave them while also being protected from the responsibilities of managing it.  

Trusts and Legacy Planning

Trusts allow you to sow the seeds for a plan that grows and evolves over time.

Without legacy planning, your assets could be lost to life’s storms. Divorce, bankruptcy, and increased taxation can dilute all your hard work, jeopardising the safety of your assets and the future you want to secure for your loved ones.

Choose Kingswood to help you cultivate strong roots, with Trusts that hold firm to your wishes and a bespoke plan that sees your beneficiaries flourish.

Contact us to see what trust options are available to you.

Send us a message to get started on your estate planning journey today!



Based in the cultural and historic city of Leicester, Kingswood Head Office is the working base for your team of expert personal planners.

With over 15 years’ experience in will writing and estates, we provide professional advice and compassionate support to clients across the country. 

To speak with one of our experts simply fill in this contact form and we’ll be in touch.